Randolph H. Wolf

This website is continually updated. Its purpose is to present a representative overview of my work to date.


Some of the works are in private collections. The others can be purchased. The prices are derived by using the “Leipziger” calculation factor.




My calculation factor for

works on canvas, press-board or plywood is 11,5 (eleven and a half). The price can be calculated by adding the width and height of the original in centimeters and multiplying the sum with my calculation factor (i.e. a work measuring 70 cm x 60 cm makes up the sum of 130 cm. This sum multiplied by11,5 results in a price of 1495 €. 


Objects made of acrylic glass, wood or clay are priced by adding the two largest measurements in centimeters from height, width and depth and multiplying them with a factor of 9,5 (nine and a half).


Works on paper (Ink, mixed media on paper, aquarelle and gouache) have a calculation factor of 7,5 (seven and a half). The width and height is determined by the sheet size in centimeters.


Drawings (Ink, charcoal, pencil etc.) have a calculation factor of 5,5 (five and a half). The width and height is determined by the sheet size in centimeters.


Collectors, after buying the first piece, receive a 10% discount on all future purchases.


In Germany all prices include 7% value added tax.






Randolph H. Wolf


Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

This is where I reside and work - Zarrendorf b. Stralsund

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